Innovation Project Resources

The CARGO CONNECT challenge asks you to identify a specific problem related to making the transportation journey of products better and design and create a new piece of technology, equipment, or method of transportation that could improve the journey of the products. Use the resources below as inspiration for your ideas!

Looking for the official wording of this year's Innovation Project prompt? Look no further than page 3 of the CARGO CONNECT Challenge Overview

This year's Innovation Challenge is all about sustainable transportation, which is an important part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #9. Check out these Educator Resources with lots of great activities to teach the importance of SDG-9.

Get into the mindset of green transportation! I Ride Green encourages students to think about the transportation that they use on an every day basis. Changing your own journey can help inspire you to change the journey that your packages take too.

Dive into a range of topics related to transportation and logistics through the PBS website! All of PBS's resources are free for you to use in your classroom or your meetings.

Learn about everything from shipping containers to package drones. I'm adding new videos to the playlist every week!